Develop Your Leadership Behaviors With a Trial of Rhabit's 360 Assessment!

Discover why leaders all over the globe trust Rhabit to provide them with the honest behavioral feedback they need to perform their best. Select your 3 habits, ask your network for feedback, and learn your top leadership habits in just a few days.

No credit card needed, no risk, only powerful feedback - 100% free. Enrollment takes 3 minutes!
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Get Feedback On Key Leadership Behaviors

Choose up to 3 habits of which you would like to receive feedback, enter the emails of your feedback providers, and you'll start receiving anonymous, psychologically safe feedback in just a few days! 

Championing Change

Change is the only constant. Find out if you have the right skills to guide your team through the next obstacle.

Driving Peak Performance

Highly accountable managers achieve high retention rates and better results. Get feedback on how you drive performance.

High Trust Leadership

Being a good leader means your team can come to you with problems and know you have their back. Find out how they feel.

Cultivating Innovation

Innovative leaders give employees the space to experiment and fail. Do you set the tone for your team to innovate?

Inspiring the Team

Inspirational leaders articulate their visions and rally the team behind them. Discover inspiration is your strength!
How it works

Get Powerful Developmental Feedback In Just a Few Swipes

Choose Your Leadership Habits

Rhabit focuses feedback on small, observable behaviors to help you learn exactly how to improve.

Select up to 3 Habits you would like for your feedback providers to give you feedback on. Pick Habits that your feedback network can regularly observe you performing. We'll give you our six most popular habits to choose from.

Complete a Self-Assessment

Now you can rate yourself on the behaviors you selected for feedback! Using our easy sliding scale, you can take a moment for self-reflection to consider your behaviors at work.

You'll see your self-assessment side-by-side with your feedback.

Invite Feedback Providers

Input the emails of 5 or more people you regularly work with that will give you honest feedback - don't worry, their answers are anonymous so they will feel safe to answer.

Your Feedback Providers Swipe Their Feedback

Rhabit emails your feedback providers with a simple link that puts them right into a deck of Rhabit cards to swipe on the feedback you requested.

At Rhabit, we believe giving feedback should be simple so we designed the feedback process to take less than one minute to complete. Your coworkers will give you helpful developmental feedback faster than it takes to brew a cup of coffee.

Check Your Dashboard For
Your Unlocked Scores

After all of your feedback is collected, we'll unlock the answers in your dashboards. You'll see your total scores, and understand what you're doing well - and what may need improvement.

You can use your results to create a data-driven development plan you can bring to your next performance review or 1:1.

Share Rhabit With a Friend or Collegue

Like what you see? Invite others in your organization to try Rhabit, or book a time to see the whole platform in action! 

Rhabit Analytics is easy and fun to use. It cultivates a sense of community in the workforce while passively collecting the analytics needed to foster constant improvement with the organization.

Clinton S
ERP Systems Analyst

Rhabit is very useful to gain insight about yourself, as well as the feelings of your subordinates.

Joey M
Rhabit User

Rhabit gives you good insight to how your peers view you. With it being anonymous people are free to express their true feelings.

Verified Rhabit User
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